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Crystal Harp

In this category you will find all our crystal harps. Let yourself be transported by these instruments with their unique and captivating tone. A true alternative to crystal singing bowls, the crystal harp is intended for musicians as well as therapists wishing to use the benefits of sound therapy.

An enchanting instrument made from Quartz crystals

Our crystal harps are all made from quartz crystals (99.99%) of natural origin. The crystals are then transformed into fine dust before being heated to more than 1800°C in order to modify their crystalline structure and give them their final shape. The crystal tubes are then carefully inspected to ensure the note and frequency they emit when struck.

Our crystal harps are composed of 8 crystal tubes each with a well defined note (C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C). The frequency of the instrument (432 or 440Hz) will be proposed to you at the time of the purchase of your crystal harp, thus leaving you free to choose according to your needs.

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Benefits for the body and mind

Like all instruments made from quartz crystals, crystal harps have their own unique tone when played. The purity of the instrument gives off a crystalline sound that is impossible to reproduce with conventional wood or brass instruments. The use of crystal and its ability to diffuse and amplify sound waves allows one to experience completely new emotions when listening to these instruments.

Crystal harps can be used during your meditation, Reiki or Yoga sessions. The crystalline sounds allow to channel the mind by making it forget everything that is happening around. The sound is directly captured by the body inviting you to a meditative journey. Rocked by this instrument, your meditation sessions will have a whole new flavor that you will not be able to do without!

How to play the crystal harp?

Much easier to handle than a classical harp, to play the crystal harp you will have to delicately hit the different crystal tubes which will each produce a very different sound. Each tube has its own fundamental note that you can release with your mallet.

If you are an experienced musician, playing the crystal harp will not be a problem. The range of notes it offers will not be unknown to you and you will only need a few minutes to fully master the instrument.

However, it is important to keep in mind that crystal harps give off particular sound waves, slower and deeper than classical instruments. We therefore advise you to “let the instrument sing” by itself rather than trying to force the notes as they might be in the musical environment.