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Crystal Tuning Fork


In this category you will find our collection of therapeutic crystal tuning forks. Made from quartz crystals, these instruments are mainly intended for therapists who wish to use the benefits of sound therapy during their sessions.

Tuning fork made from 99.99% pure crystal

Made from natural quartz crystals, we have taken the decision not to use any synthetic materials in the crystal matrix of our tuning fork. The natural quartz crystals we use are first ground to dust before being separated from the impurities in the rock.

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Our rigorous manufacturing process allows us to achieve the highest possible level of purity in the creation of crystal instruments. It is this purity that produces such intense and crystalline vibrations.

Use of the crystal tuning fork

The vibrational frequency of our crystal tuning forks comes directly from the natural properties of the crystal. When the tuning fork is struck, it can produce sound waves for up to 3 minutes. The waves are then picked up by the body and travel through the bones, giving a feeling of well-being and lightness.

We recommend that you strike the tuning fork once and let the vibrations travel naturally. If you wish to ‘ring’ your crystal tuning fork a second time, we recommend that you stop the first vibration with your hand.

Benefits of a crystal tuning fork

Particularly suitable for health professionals and therapists, the crystal tuning fork allows you to use the properties of sound in your own sessions. The crystal tuning fork can be used by reflexologists, energy therapists, magnetisers, yoga teachers and Reiki masters to deliver vibrations in a precise and controlled way.

The sound waves emitted by this type of crystal instrument are mainly used to promote relaxation and to deliver energy to certain areas of our body (chakra).

The crystal tuning fork is both accurate and easy to use, and can be directed to a specific area of the body to make it easier to treat. This crystal instrument is the ideal product if you want to experience the benefits of sound therapy at a lower cost. 

What is the difference with a metal tuning fork?

There are two distinct types of therapeutic tuning fork. Firstly, there is the metal model (usually made of aluminium alloy) and the crystal model.

The main difference between these two models, without taking into account their solidity, is the frequency of emission. An aluminium model generally has a frequency of 128Hz. Crystal tuning forks, on the other hand, have a frequency of 432 or 440 Hz.